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Conversion to Catholicism

Dr. Scott Hahn: The Conversion of Scott Hahn
This classic is the beguiling firsthand account from the brilliant young Protestant minister who became a Catholic and set in motion a tidal wave of conversions. Millions have been touched by this talk.

Fish Eaters
info about being and becoming catholic.

Historic Catholic Converts to Catholicism
Fr. Charles Connor, a Church historian, presents this 16 part series from EWTN on well-known Catholic converts in history from the United States, England, France and Germany. In his eloquent, captivating style, Father Connor tells the compelling stories of men and women from all walks of life whose spiritual journeys led them to Roman Catholicism.

How to Become a Catholic
The process by which one becomes a Catholic can take different forms......

The Catholic Doors Ministry
Frequently asked questions about conversion to Catholicism

The Coming Home Network International
The purpose of The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork) is to provide fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been received into the Catholic Church. The CHNetwork is committed to assisting and standing beside all inquirers, serving as a friend and an advocate.

The Role of Church History in Conversion to Catholicism
Father John McCloskey - I am often asked to speak about conversions since I have been instrumental in bringing some people to the Faith.

Wikipedia - Converts to Catholicism
This page lists historic individuals who at some point in their lives, sometimes on their deathbeds, formally adopted the Catholic faith without having been born into it. Individuals who were baptized Catholics, but who as an adult practiced a non-Catholic faith (such as evangelical Protestant), then returned to the Catholic Church are technically "reverts" and are so noted where known.